Economizers & Mixing Boxes
Definition: An economizer is a mechanical device used to reduce energy consumption. Economizers recycle energy produced within a system or leverage environmental temperature differences to achieve efficiency improvements.
Reality: Economizers and mixing boxes can reduce energy consumption… If set up and installed properly. The goal of the MicroMetl Blog is to simplify the comprehension of complex or technical procedures into layman’s terms. With 50 years of experience manufacturing HVAC economizers and mixing boxes, we have a wealth of experience. We want to better educate our customers by offering you not just the products, but real world solutions to some simple and some not so obvious problems customers experience in the field.
Have a question about an Economizer or Mixing Box… Let us know! We would be pleased to create it as a new topic on our multimedia blog
Mixing Boxes For Residential Applications
Many articles have been written about Night Air Cooling — AKA “Free Cooling.” Those articles explain how turning off the Air Conditioner (A/C), opening windows, or turning on a whole house fan at night can lower your energy bills… Have You Considered A Mixing Box? A Mixing Box offers the security of having your windows & doors closed and secured at night, yet provides “Free Outdoor Air Cooling.”
Economizer Installation Instruction Into A SRT Carrier, Bryant, ICP Rooftop!
Here are step by step instructions on how to install a Horizontal Economizer And/Or Vertical Economiser into A Carrier, Bryant, or ICP Rooftop! These are two great videos geared toward field technicians but can be used to train and educate customer service and...
Economizer Types Defined
Economizers are mechanical devices used to make the Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) unit more efficient by regulating the return air and outside air. Economizers come in many different configurations. Low Leak is defined as an industry requirement...
Economizers – Setting Minimum Position
What is, And How To Determine Economizer Minimum Position Economizer instructions explain how to set, and adjust the minimum open position for outside air dampers via a controller. However, they don't tell us where to physically position the damper blades as to...
Barometric Relief – What Is It, And How Much Air Does It Remove?
Barometric Relief What Is It And How Much Air Does It Remove? A reader recently asked; What is Barometric Relief, and how much air does it remove? It’s important to provide fresh, healthy air to a building’s occupants. Therefore, when
What Is An Ultra Low Leak Economizer?
What Is An Ultra Low Leak Title 24 Economizer? Title 24 Economizer Mandatory & Prescriptive Defined, Title 24 Section 120.2 & 140.4 Excerpt PDF
Honeywell’s JADE W7220 Controller – The 101 Basics!
Honeywell's JADE W7220 Controller The 101 Basics! Before we begin; if you're not familiar with the basics of an economizer, read the article; “What Is An Economizer – AKA Mixing Box?” Many of the blogs and articles about the JADE W7220 Economizer Controller have been...
What Is An Economizer – AKA Mixing Box? Economizers Class 101!
Saving Money and Lowering the Cooling Load is really what an economizer does. Webster defines economize as to “reduce expenses.” In its most simplistic form, an economizer is nothing more than a device which introduces fresh outside air into a building space in a controlled manner
California Title 24 Economizer Requirements – How Will They Affect You?
California Title 24 Economizer Requirements – How Will They Affect You? Beginning January 1, 2014, California will enact California Energy Commission (CEC), Title 24. Several U.S. States are considering an implementation in part or whole of Title 24. California code...
“The Cube” Residential and Small Commercial Mixing Box / Economizer
“The Cube” Residential & Small Commercial Mixing Box / Economizer Download "The Cube" Mixing Box Sales Brochure - Here! There is nothing more frustrating than getting onto the job site to install a mixing box, only to discover that the duct work was incorrectly...