MicroMetl is the leader in HVAC Accessories Nationwide. Nearing our 50 year anniversary as a corporation, MicroMetl has nearly a half century of information and expertise. Only at MicroMetl will you get such a wealth of HVAC Industry knowledge. Stay above the learning curve, and visit us often for updates.

Mixing Boxes For Residential Applications
Many articles have been written about Night Air Cooling — AKA “Free Cooling.” Those articles explain how turning off the Air Conditioner (A/C), opening windows, or turning on a whole house fan at night can lower your energy bills… Have You Considered A Mixing Box? A Mixing Box offers the security of having your windows & doors closed and secured at night, yet provides “Free Outdoor Air Cooling.”
How Does An Air Conditioner & Heat Pump Work? – Basic HVAC Tutorial
The Simplistic Definition of an Air Conditioner… An A/C system removes heat from inside your home, and transfers it outside. This article is intended to explain the most basic functionality and operation of an Air Conditioner System and Heat Pump.
What Is A HVAC Equipment Support & How Does It Work?
Referred to as Equipment Supports, Equipment Rails, Support Rails & Sleeper Curbs. These load-bearing supports are typically used to elevate and/or load support rooftop piping, ductwork, HVAC equipment, RTU’s (Rooftop Units), walkways, and more. Customizable in height & length to match your specific requirements, easy to transport, and can be carried onto any roof without major hassle. Equipment Supports are constructed of galvanized steel with continuous welded and mitered corner seams. They contain a wood nailer shrouded under a galvanized metal cover, allowing you to nail/secure roofing material directly to it.
Adjustable Pitch Roof Curb – A Complete Guide!
Adjustable pitch roof curbs are a variation of Knockdown Curbs that can be customized during installation to suit a roof pitched up to 1” in 12” in ANY direction. There are many situations in which an adjustable pitch roof curb is preferable to a fixed pitch curb… Read Why!
How Do I Measure For A Curb Adapter – Video
You’re on the roof to replace the Rooftop Unit (RTU). The unit nameplate is so worn you can’t decipher the model number, even yet the brand or manufacturer. It is never practical to break the integrity of the existing roof to remove the existing Curb. Therefore, you must measure the existing curb and order a Curb Adapter.
How Do I Measure For A Curb Adapter – Video
You’re on the roof to replace the Rooftop Unit (RTU). The unit nameplate is so worn you can’t decipher the model number, even yet the brand or manufacturer. It is never practical to break the integrity of the existing roof to remove the existing Curb. Therefore, you must measure the existing curb and order a Curb Adapter.
The HVAC Industries First Curb Adapter Phone App! Quote It Now… Get It Now!
MicroMetl is the first and only in the HVAC industry to produce an exclusive Android/iPhone Curb Adapter App. No longer do you have to imagine the easy of searching for a replacement curb while on a roof! MIcroMetl is working hard to reduce your effort while improving...
MicroMetl – ERV Principles And Products
MicroMetl - ERV Principles And Products Learn the basic principles of MicroMetl’s ERV in only ten minutes. What is a Core, Fixed Plate, or Wheel ERV? How does an ERV work, and why do you need one? MicroMetl has released the answers to all these questions... and more...
Before Replacing An ERV – Read This Article!
MicroMetl is celebrating 50 years of serving the HVAC industry. Over those years we have guided countless customers through an ever-changing maze of options to consider when installing or replacing equipment. Energy Recovery Technology (ERV) has become the norm. I...
Mixing Boxes For Residential Applications
Many articles have been written about Night Air Cooling — AKA “Free Cooling.” Those articles explain how turning off the Air Conditioner (A/C), opening windows, or turning on a whole house fan at night can lower your energy bills… Have You Considered A Mixing Box? A Mixing Box offers the security of having your windows & doors closed and secured at night, yet provides “Free Outdoor Air Cooling.”
Economizer Installation Instruction Into A SRT Carrier, Bryant, ICP Rooftop!
Here are step by step instructions on how to install a Horizontal Economizer And/Or Vertical Economiser into A Carrier, Bryant, or ICP Rooftop! These are two great videos geared toward field technicians but can be used to train and educate customer service and...
What is a HVAC Power Exhaust — Achieving Proper Ventilation
What is a HVAC Power Exhaust? ...Achieving Proper Ventilation A previous MicroMetl Blog article offered a basic understanding of economizers. It is an Economizer 101 Summary and is a prerequisite to this article if you don’t understand the meaning of an economizer...
The 101 Basics On NEMA Standards For Enclosures & Motors
If you think NEMA is the name of your long lost cousin, you're reading the wrong article. NEMA is an acronym for The National Electrical Manufacturers Association. Most often organizational ratings are confined to a single manufactured product, whereas NEMA offers...
HVAC — Single Phase, Three Phase… What’s the Difference?
The HVAC Industry offers end-user equipment operating with either single phase, or three phase electricity. We spec it every day, but what are the differences, and are there advantages. Electrical Phase Explained No Phase - DC Power Allow me to use a battery for this...
HVAC – What’s the Difference Between A Motor & Actuator?
Actuators and motors are commonly used in the HVAC industry, but not completely understood. What’s the difference between the two? In Geek Speak Terminology: The term “Actuator” typically refers to a device that provides linear motion… like a…
HVAC Sensors – CO2 And On-Demand Ventilation
In a previous article I covered the two most common control sensors in HVAC -- Enthalpy and Dry Bulb (What Are HVAC Enthalpy & Dry Bulb - Part 1). In this one I'd like to discuss Carbon Dioxide (CO2) controls. According to a New York Times article; "A conservative...